Friday, May 7, 2010

Guabira equipo provinciano, el mejor de la nacion

It is all starting to hit me that I am leaving Montero and I am not going to be back for a while. I am realizing how much I am going to miss Montero, the people, the Spanish and los cambas. When I arrived in August I never realized how much this trip but mainly being in Montero and living here was going to change my life.
This past week I have been working a lot. We are changing the filing system in one of the clinics and I have been helping a lot with that. The work is very boring but someone needs to do it and I love working in the office in all of the clinics but especially in Villa Cochabamba the two girls I work with are awesome and we talk and laugh and it makes the boring work a whole lot better. Wednesday night of this week I went to the birthday party of one of the bosses at the clinics which was awesome, so awesome in fact we basically stayed up the entire night.
This past Saturday I went fishing again with some of Daniel’s uncles, I do not know what it is but apparently every where in the world it is the same in the sense that all the uncles take do fishing trips. We had a lot of fun and even caught some fish which obviously makes it even better. I am all ready with pictures and everything to explain how this Bolivian fishing thing works.
Wednesday night Guabira played and even won. I think they decided to give me a win since it will be the last game I am going to see. I have kind of made a group of friends in the stadium I never see them outside of the games but we always sit in the same area and talk I have really enjoyed getting to know all of them and of course sharing our passion Guabira and soccer in general.
I have a busy weekend coming lots of hanging out with friends to do before I leave as well as getting all my stuff together that is scattered about my apartment. I am headed to Mancora, Peru where I am going to meet Camille. It should take me about three or four days in bus to get there I am hoping everything is going to go smoothly or at least as smoothly as possible. In Mancora I am hoping to learn to surf but we will see if that happens I have heard it is really hard to learn but we will see.