Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Forgotten List

After what was quite a hard day (hiking Tunari) I forgot to I needed to add my list of what all I did a top the mountain so here it goes.
List of things:
I ate (we had chicken sandwhiches and salted tomato)
I burped ( we had been drinking lots of water)
I slept (no explanation needed)
I took a million photos
I almost lost my hat the the unrelenting wind
I did lose a our lunch bag to the wind
I celebrated (because we did finally make it to the top)
I listened to lots of German
I pondered whether or not it was possible the wind could pick my up of the top of the mountain (I decided it was possible)

These past few days have been quite we have been studying a lot and going to school. We did have one very interesting night in which we contributed to the local community by buying all the left over beer from a school for young kinds and partying with all the teachers. We got word from a friend at a different language school that one of the places she was voluntering had a party for the parents and had bought to much beer and were afraid they were going to lose money. So we did what every other stand up citizens would do...we drank it. We learned some traditional dances from all the teachers who were quite old but new how to have a good time. So I guess you could say we have been learning and giving back to the community lots of great photos from this night which will be posted later.

This afternoon and tonight is going to be a lot of fun. The Bolivian National team plays Ecuador so we are going into the city to watch that and right after that game Argentina plays Paraquay in a huge matchup which ultimatly could decide whether or not Argetina makes it to the world cup. Also this weekend we will be going to a live game in the city which apparently is going to wild. The teachers we are going with gave us certain colors to wear that were nuetral so we would not be seen as supporting one side or the other. I do think however that the teachers are being some what over catious but better safe than sorry. More later

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