Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Nina, nina, nina blancaa… Te ponen reggeaton y cambia a mulata

I finished up my time at the language school and went out a couple of nights with some of the other students who were studying there and had lots of fun. I made it to the two soccer games that were in Cochabamba while I was there which was awesome. I even got to see my team from Montero play one the Cochabamba teams, but; was disappointed we could only get away with a tie when we should have easily won and played with one more man for about sixty minutes of the game.
Saturday after quite a long trip (but what else is expected while traveling in Bolivia) I arrived in Montero, Bolivia about an hour north of Santa Cruz. Saturday I went to the Guabira soccer game which is the team from Montero. Currently they are in “la liga” which is the highest level of professional soccer in Bolivia. Quite a feat seeing as Montero is a town of more or less 100,000 people. When compared to all the other cities Montero is the smallest. Our stadium holds 10,000 people where as generally all the other stadiums hold between 20,000 and 50,000. Guabira won 2-0 and beat Potosí. Currently they are tied for first place in our division. I have seen two games and plan to see everyone I possibly can. To get a decent seat in the stadium you need to arrive about two hours before the game starts. So like a true fan there I was with all the Bolivians sweating and waiting. Currently our coach cannot enter the field because he pushed or hit a ref so is banned for a number of games, however; he cannot be stopped he was in our section by the fence yelling at players and the assistant coach. Where he was is only 5 or 7 feet from the field so it was more than possible. At one point I was positive he was going to get into a fight with one of the fans because number 8 was playing bad and the fans were telling him so yelling, “SAQUE OCHO P*%A” and other obscenities. Unfortunately it did not escalate to a fight like I would have liked it to but, probably for the better. I do feel for number 8 he is only 18 or 19 and has the skills but lacks the sureness and when is on the ball he seems unsure of himself. I am sure it is his first year in the league, therefore; his bad play I didn’t feel warranted the abuse.
Monday and today I have worked at the clinics I have been working in the reception office with two girls and have actually felt very helpful. Today Reina or Queen in English did not come into work today. So with a little guidance I basically did her job, nevertheless; not nearly as efficient as she does it. I have a lot of fun working in the reception office because I have done it a bunch and understand stand the system and can feel helpful. Tomorrow I will be working at the Red Cross clinic and honestly have no idea what I will be doing.
I cooked my first dinner tonight and was fairly successful. Not to say it was the hardest dinner to make but never the less I was proud. I made grilled cheese and green beans. The grilled cheese was awesome thanks to Howard who taught me how to make a mean grilled cheese. The green beans on the other hand were lacking. I didn’t add any salt or pepper or anything for that matter and I think that’s where I went wrong but there will always be tomorrow.
I have been very happy that all of the people I have seen remembered who I was and of course remembered “las gringas” or the white girls. Our Senora who owns the corner store and I had tea the other day and everyone at the clinics remembers me as well as asks where “the girls” are. Even the workers at the restaurant where we ate lunch about everyday were happy to see me and asked about Dee and Maya. I have been recognized by some people who I am not really sure who they are. Mainly by the drivers of the motorcycle taxis and usually they are just asking if I am here with the girls again. Lets just say Dee and Maya left their impact on Montero.

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