Sunday, August 23, 2009

First few days

After some what of a bumpy and unsettling plane ride where they had to fix our landing gear and ground us for two hours we arrived in Santa Cruz . We met Dardo and Daniel at the airport and they took us the 60 km to Montero. They showed us our new home which is incredible we have to two bedrooms one for Maya and Dee and the other for me, we also have two showers, a kitchen and a balcony. Daniel our tour guide/translator/only friend has been amazing and has showed us around Santa Cruz and Montero. We visited all three clinics in Montero and learned we are going to be doing home visits which includes vacinations and check ups and then simple check ups at the clinic in the Cochabomba neighborhood. We spent a day in Santa Cruz where we saw a movie and met one of Daniels sisters and celebrated one of his nieces birthdays. We had some amazing food and amazing company. His family was so nice and welcoming. Today we visited the market which was the basically like a gigantic flee market. It is a very good thing Daniel was here to help us navigate otherwise we would still be walking around in it. So far everything is going perfect and we are all having lots of fun, however; I am learning I know a lot less Spanish then I thought hopefully that will change soon.

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